Personnel Administration

AdviseCube provides personnel administration services and REGES-specific services, which include the following activities without the enumeration being a limiting one:


Personnel administration

  • Audit of the personnel files of the employees ;
  • Assistance and consultancy for the preparation of personnel files;
  • Drafting individual employment contracts and additional documents to employment contracts;
  • Drafting decisions to suspend and terminate employment relationships;
  • Filling the necessary certificates for employees with data related to personnel administration services ;
  • Preparation of reports and other analyzes with data resulting from personnel administration services.

Other activities related to personnel administration services

  • Assistance and consultancy in relation to the competent authorities;
  • Assistance during controls and audits.



REGES (General Registry of Employees)

  • Audit REGES;
  • Assistance and consultancy  regarding completing the REGES;
  • Registration in REGES of the data related to the conclusion, modification, suspension and termination of employment contracts;
  • preparing reports and other specific analyses related to REGES.